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ID Category The Idea Resources Author Status Action
23 Article Idea The Norte Americano Deconstructed and Explained r Chris To Edit View/Edit
25 Article Idea Where the Happy Places Are: Finding Happiness Across the Hemisphere r Chris To Edit View/Edit
33 Article Idea Gamers and Gaming Producers in Latin America r Chris To Edit View/Edit
114 Article Idea Review the Google Earth woman, whose popular on the Internet Me Chris To Edit View/Edit
146 Article Idea "Tat Houses of Sao Paolo," or elsewhere. jaz Chris To Edit View/Edit
147 Article Idea "Layover Lounge," the best airport lounges in the hemisphere ce Chris To Edit View/Edit
148 Article Idea "Dog Day In Medellin". People and their dogs...profiles in obsession (lol) jaz Chris To Edit View/Edit
150 Article Idea "Cannibis Culture" in Latin America....will it become as commercial / bougeios as it is in the North? ce Chris To Edit View/Edit
117 BioTique Idea Focusing on question number 15 in the report. Attending fashion, fairs, travel conferences, and networking events. How do we connect with potential allies in the fashion and travel industry? What kind of partnerships are we looking for and what does our values statement look like so we can find common ground with potential allies. Ema jaz Chris To Edit View/Edit
20 BioTique Idea Inscribed tote bag: Ask Me Where I've Been. r Chris To Edit View/Edit
27 Book Idea 9 City Steps: Nine Pan-American Cities Experienced and Explained r Chris To Edit View/Edit
86 Book Idea Ruta Pantera's ATLAS OF POPULAR CULTURE in the Americas everyone. Jaz and Ema Chris To Edit View/Edit
90 Book Idea Dedicate our first BOOK to ELYSE LATELLA. Frank is her father. Save address. Chris To Edit View/Edit
95 Business Strategy USE AI for broadcasting on the podcast and the FAQ. Develop TRES AMIGOS. Heydi scripts Chris To Edit View/Edit
184 Calendar or Event December 27. Dallas - Medellin Expedia Chris To Edit View/Edit
15 Illustration Idea Have Victoria do portraits of the richest people in the hemisphere. r Chris To Edit View/Edit
82 Interview Idea INTERVIEW Don House, Sabina, and ALLYN for TravelCast res Chris To Edit View/Edit
173 Interview Idea Develop a series of TALKS, LECTURES, WORKSHOPS and/or KEYNOTE speeches, based on our feature articles and "Sphere & Now" column Heidi and team Chris To Edit View/Edit
99 LiveCast Idea Tuesday This Must Be Gondwana...Live from TeleMedellin in Medellin Carlos, Nelson, Heydi Chris To Edit View/Edit
111 LiveCast Idea Use Google Earth as an intro to the podcast Google Earth Chris To Edit View/Edit
112 LiveCast Idea Interview Carlos Alejandro about his book Carlos Chris To Edit View/Edit
73 LiveCast Idea "WELCOME to the Ruta Pantera TRAVELCAST, 30 minutes of PanAmerican adventure with Chris Engholm, joining you today for an episode of Tuesday this Must Be Gondwana....from....beautiful, tropical Cartagena! c Chris To Edit View/Edit
75 LiveCast Idea "Our purpose today is to capture five good STILLS and 5 minutes of great VIDEO STORY in oCartagena/Costa Rica/Galapagos....ur feature story today is about PHOTO and VIDEO STORYTELLING---Welcome to DIGITAL ROGUE!! c Chris To Edit View/Edit
79 LiveCast Idea COLD FLOAT Broadcast from WHITE RIVER or the BUFFALO with Gavin and the Canoe. Waypoint the BUFFALO RIVER, first national river in the US re Chris To Edit View/Edit
56 LiveCast Idea AI TRES AMIGOS FOR FAQ....For LiveCast of FAQ information....or even fielding Questions.....we can use Tres Amigos....Script them!! Make them funny. s Chris To Edit View/Edit
62 LiveCast Idea Call Edward the writer guy c Chris To Edit View/Edit
57 Marketing - Publicity Monetize by offering the ZINE to guests, just like magazine with current info. Then give the Subscribers the Archive of all content...then (below) s Chris To Edit View/Edit
103 Marketing - Publicity PRESS RELEASE for Ruta Pantera...will need to come soon. Post on Instagram me Chris To Edit View/Edit
122 Music Idea Create soundtrack clips with cello and guitar, recorded in Medellín Estefania Chris To Edit View/Edit
115 Other Add a journal entry about the stylish guy walking around the Medellin airport broadcasting, who I saw doing the same thing the last time I was there Me Chris To Edit View/Edit
48 Photography Idea Put PHOTOS and VIDEO and AUDIO in the Media Database and add "STORY_BEHIND" for the notes for LEARN ABOUT THIS PICTURE..... s Chris To Edit View/Edit
52 Photography Idea 35mm Contax black and white photo essays. There is no substitute!!! See my anthology of MATADOR magazine !!! The grainy dramatics!! s Chris To Edit View/Edit
54 Podcast Idea Line up 1. What's On the Travel Desk? 2. Tuesday this Must Be Gondwana 3. Interview 4. Making It in Margaritaville 5. Destination Wellness 6. Waiting To Exile. s Chris To Edit View/Edit
72 Podcast Idea ADD AUDIO from the VIDEO I have shot in multiple places, like Leticia and Mexico City where I DID NOT record Podcast Audio !! c Chris To Edit View/Edit
34 Podcast Idea Interview Steven by Phone talking about the influence of Latin American music. He should contribute to the playlists and music on the site. READ TO MUSIC r Chris To Edit View/Edit
22 Slogan or Title CityLupe I love it. CITY LUPE CITYLUPE r Chris To Edit View/Edit
32 Slogan or Title Ruta Pantera Invites You to Broaden Your Horizons r Chris To Edit View/Edit
7 Slogan or Title We are all explorers of a new world. r Chris To Edit View/Edit
12 Slogan or Title Our Beat Is Gondwana. r Chris To Edit View/Edit
137 Slogan or Title Ruta Pantera—Explore the Americas Differently No se Chris To Edit View/Edit
145 Slogan or Title Set of title and phrases below, to remember ce Chris To Edit View/Edit
126 Slogan or Title Ruta Pantera ~ Go Further. Este/Jaz/Heydi Chris To Edit View/Edit
178 Slogan or Title Ruta Pantera ~ Imagine all the places you can go. heydi Chris To Edit View/Edit
182 Slogan or Title The Local Experience Across the Hemisphere Chris To Edit View/Edit
185 Software Code Idea Add SORT BY CATEGORY in the IdeaBank me To Edit View/Edit
186 Software Code Idea FAQ SEARCH: FROM [rutapant_].[dbo].[travelfaq] WHERE country LIKE 'Brazil' AND question_en LIKE '%sports%' OR country LIKE 'Brazil' AND answer_en LIKE '%futbol%' OR keyword LIKE '%soccer%' NPL To Edit View/Edit
131 Software Code Idea Questions for user preferences Michael Estafania To Edit View/Edit
134 Software Code Idea Create customized GREETINGS based on the last time a user visited the website Code book Chris To Edit View/Edit
135 Software Code Idea Create system of PERSONALIZATION on the website, based on a subscriber’s language, age, interest, and past engagement on the site Code book Chris To Edit View/Edit
136 Software Code Idea Write code to link our ADVERTISING to individual users’ tastes and preferences Code book Chris To Edit View/Edit
60 Software Code Idea Remove many of the WebContent fields....that are now in the WebElements table.. q Chris To Edit View/Edit
61 Software Code Idea Add searchable column to IDEABANK for sorting on the Category field. q Chris To Edit View/Edit
36 Theme or Premise Alternative tourism... comes under many guises. Eco, green, birding, appropriate, cottage, boutique (mine), or Deep r Chris To Edit View/Edit
63 To-Do List Write to Eric in Quebec c Chris To Edit View/Edit
69 To-Do List DIGITAL ROGUE: Ruta Pantera's Guide to Travel Photography and Video hosted by Chris Engholm c Chris To Edit View/Edit
70 To-Do List Who is the audience? I mean individually? Turner Browne? Elyse? Think about who I am talking to...Maybe it's who do I ENJOY talking to..... c Chris To Edit View/Edit
88 To-Do List PHOTO copy ALL of this year's JOURNALS for use in the TravelJournal. Where are the notebooks? Chris To Edit View/Edit
104 To-Do List On WEB CONTENT, the Edit page throws and ERROR. Add code to prevent NULLS. me Chris To Edit View/Edit
105 To-Do List Add CANCEL to the PASSWORD JS on the BackOffice app online To Edit View/Edit
100 To-Do List FIRST NAMES only for the web site, for security reasons me Chris To Edit View/Edit
175 To-Do List More work to do on the WEB CONTENT MANAGER in PantherApp... It is now running against RPwebpage_content table c Chris To Edit View/Edit
161 To-Do List Fix: Index.asp and database...need code for "e" with an accent in Questions for Slider c Chris To Edit View/Edit
174 Website Feature Develop concept of a "Travatar" (Travel avatar) an online surrogate who provides vicarious travel experience for our users. It might also provide style advice. This is a team project Chris To Edit View/Edit
47 Website Feature Add LEARN ABOUT THIS PICTURE to key photographs.... the story of it and the technique behind the shot, and the event, the scene, STORY s Chris To Edit View/Edit
30 Website Feature ReelMap. Try It! Click to view a reel r Chris To Edit View/Edit
19 Website Feature READ TO MUSIC. Add optional music through the site. Why not ????? I will use it!!Call it: "Listen to music?" r Chris To Edit View/Edit
28 Word or Phrase Citambulant r Chris To Edit View/Edit